Cookies policy

In accordance with the Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on Services of the Association for Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we offer detailed information on the use of cookies on the website under the responsibility of COMFIS TERUEL SA.

1.  What are cookies?

Cookies are small files created by the websites you visit in order to improve your online experience, and which store information on your device about your browsing on the web.

They can be used for many different purposes, such as, for example, recognising you as a user, obtaining information about your browsing habits, or customising the way the content of the website is displayed. 

2.  How can I accept or reject the use of cookies?

When you access our website you will be shown a summary of the type of cookies we use, and you can easily:

  • ACCEPT cookies:  By clicking on this button you will accept the use of all cookies for the purposes described.
  • CONFIGURE cookies:  You will be able to obtain more information about the cookies used, as well as reject and block those that do not have technical purposes. In the case of restricting or blocking cookies, some of the functionalities of the website may be reduced.

3.  What cookies does this Website use?

Below you will find a detailed list of the cookies our website uses.  Further information on the classification of cookies will be found in the next section.

 wp-wpml_current_languageTo store language settings. Own Finalización de la sesión Functional
 moove_gdpr_popupSets this cookie to remember users’ consent preferences so that their preferences are honored on subsequent visits to this site. Own 1 Year Functional
 wordpress_ Se activa durante el login y guarda los detalles de autentificación. Own 1 Year Functional
wordpress_logged_in_It is activated during login and saves the authentication details.Own1 YearFunctional
wordpress_test_cookieIt is activated during login and saves the authentication details.Own1 YearFunctional
wp-settings-It is used to customize the User Interface.Own1 YearFunctional
wp-settings-time-It is used to customize the User Interface.Own1 YearFunctional
_gaIt is used to distinguish users.Third Party2 YearAnalíticas
WordPress_sec_To provide protection against hackers, store account details.Own15 DaysFunctional

4.  More information on the types of cookies

Cookies can be classified into several types, depending on these factors:

  • Who is the responsible
  • What purpose they are used for
  • How long the data is stored for

4.1 Depending on the entity that manages the cookies

Depending on the entity that manages the equipment or domain from which the cookies are sent and treats the data obtained, we can distinguish between:

First-party or own cookies:
Those generated by the website you are visiting.

Third-party cookies: 
Those generated by other websites that own some of the content you see on the web you visit, such as advertisements, images or videos.

4.2  According to the purpose for which they are used

Cookies can be used for several purposes.  We can classify them into:


Also known as «strictly necessary».  They allow the user to browse and use the different options or services of the website such as, for example, identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, controlling traffic and data communication, remembering order information or carrying out a purchasing process, signing up or participating in an event, using security elements during browsing, storing content for video or audio broadcasting or sharing content through social networks.

Preferences or personalisation: 

They allow remembering user preferences that can differentiate his experience from other users. For example, by choosing the preferred language of the web page, the display format, the region from which you access, etc.

Analytics or measurement: 
They allow the responsible party to track and analyse user behaviour on websites. They generate statistics that show anonymous information on the number of visits and interactions that users make on a page.  In this way, browsing profiles can be drawn up in order to make improvements inor quantify the impact of advertisements.

Marketing and behavioural advertising:

They store information about the behaviour of users, obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits. The purpose is to develop a specific profile so that the advertising shown is adapted to the possible interests of the user.

4.3  According to the period of time they remain activated

a) Session cookies:

They collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are usually used to store information that is only needed on a single occasion for the provision of the service requested by the user (for example, a list of products purchased) and disappear at the end of the session.

b) Persistent cookies:

Cookies in which the data remains stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a certain period of time set by the party responsible for it. 


COMFIS TERUEL appears on third-party portals and services.  For the conditions of privacy and use of these cookies, please consult the policies provided by them:





Google Analytics

For further information about Google’s use of cookies, you can refer to their «Privacy Policy», as well as other documents, visiting these websites:

Complemento de inhabilitación para navegadores de google analytics

If you wish to reject Google Analytics tracking cookies in all browsers, so that no information is sent to Google Analytics, you can download an add-on that performs this function from this link:


You can modify the cookies settings through the Cookie Configuration Panel of our homepage or through this document.

You can also restrict, block or delete cookies from any website using your browser. Since each browser operates differently, you can obtain more information from each browser Support page:

Internet Explorer:


For more information about our use of your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy or write to: